
廣播事業本身不只具有提供教育、娛樂、資訊傳遞的功能,由於科技的進步,帶動廣播科技的革命,廣播與電信、資訊相結合,中廣公司也掌握這一趨勢,搶攻數位化廣播市場,作好中廣與電信、資訊的結合,在新世紀裡,致力擴展廣播相關的業務。除此之外因應智慧型手機深入每個人的生活,於2012年,開發「中廣新聞爆」手機APP,讓中廣新聞網透過手機,隨時將最新最快的新聞,傳送給每個閱聽大眾,四年後(2016年),開發「中廣線上聽」手機APP,讓聽眾從手機裡收聽中廣流行網、iradio 音樂網、鄉親網、igo 531等頻道。



Information industry plays an ever important role in our daily life. New technologies are bringing about a digital world without national borders and a digital future in which broadcasting, information, entertainment and telecommunications are overlapping industries with a single media. BCC has already begun to further upgrade its facilities, diversify its operation and strengthen its cooperation with the entertainment, information and telecommunications industries.

The 21st century is the era of wireless network. The broadcasting technology has already developed from analog (AM/FM) to digital and on-line service, namely, the mobile reception.

Many radio stations have already provided regular services of on-line service. In 2012, BCC has devoted itself to the on-line, wireless and mobile reception.

A talent staff is the most valuable asset of any corporate enterprise. BCC's dedicated workforce ensures the company's success for years to come. BCC is ready to continue leading the way into the future development, the “revolution’ of the broadcasting industries.