

  1. 鮮明的類型分網,服務不同聽眾族群的不同需求。
  2. 始終保持節目一貫優良水準,同時掌握時代脈動,節目內容不斷更新。
  3. 重視聽眾與社會反映,經常辦理與聽友互動等回饋活動。
  4. 加強聽眾收聽率與收聽行為調查,以科學化方式瞭解現階段聽眾需求,作為調整節目的參考。


Prior to 1993, there were only 32 radio broadcasting companies in the Taiwan area, but in 2008, the number of radio stations has increased to over 100. Despite strong competition, BCC has been able to maintain a listener rating of more than 30% of the island's total radio listeners. BCC's radio leadership is due to the following factors:

  1. Each BCC network targets and serves a specific, well-defined audience demographic to meet the needs of different sectors of Taiwan's diverse population.
  2. High program quality is carefully maintained and updated as new trends in music and radio programming are anticipated.
  3. Audience feedback is encouraged and recognized as an important factor in determining programming improvements.
  4. Frequent concerts, activities and promotional events strengthen the loyalty of BCC listeners.